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Tue, 24 Aug


Live Stream to Facebook

CSSA August 2021 Monthly Gathering

with guest speaker from the USA

CSSA August 2021 Monthly Gathering
CSSA August 2021 Monthly Gathering

Time and Location

24 Aug 2021, 7:30 pm AEST

Live Stream to Facebook

About the Event

Due to the continued Covid restrictions in Melbourne we will be on ZOOM only for our August Monthly Gathering! And Live Streaming to the CSSA Facebook page.

For more information see the CSSA FB page - August Gathering event (

Ron Parsons, guest speaker from San Francisco, USA (via Zoom) - Wild Cacti and Succulents of the West

The beauty and diversity of the native cacti and succulents of the western United States. The talk will feature habitat images of genera such as Dudleya, Lewisia, Echinocereus, Sclerocactus, Opuntia, Agave, Sedum, Yucca and more were taken during Ron's travels to photograph flowers, mostly in California, but also in Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.

A bit about Ron Parsons

Ron Parsons has been growing species orchids for more than 45 years, but is also interested in many other plant groups. Besides the orchids, he has a relatively large collection of Haworthia, some of the smaller Aloe and Gasteria species, mostly small ball-type cacti, Tillandsia, and insectivorous plants. Ron loves to photograph orchids and most other flowers whenever he can, particularly on trips to see them in nature, but also in collections. Ron has more than 90,000 digital images, most of which are of orchids, and still retains a slide library that exceeds 100,000 botanical images. He has 4000 published photos that have appeared in magazines, periodicals, journals and books, and has co-authored four botanical books, all with Mary E. Gerritsen.

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